Back at the Table | Erik Bruner-Yang

In celebration of the 2021 RAMMY Awards, recognizing the hard-working and innovative figures in our restaurant community, Back at the Table invites you to meet restauranteurs that have defied the odds by strengthening their community amidst the pandemic.

Chef Erik Bruner-Yang of Maketto knew that he had to find a way to keep his restaurants operating and his employees paid in a pandemic that has hit restaurants hard. Today, he is feeding those in need and keeping his employees working through his Power of 10 Initiative. His simple formula that $10,000 in donations could keep 10 employees paid full time and feed 1,000 people in need, has garnered national attention by helping restaurants across the country stay afloat. Bruner-Yang is a 2021 RAMMY finalist for the Good Neighbor Award for his Power of 10 Initiative.

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